Friday, April 11, 2008

The Lands of Bhumi

After putting together our map of the world and then separating it down into different lands and looking at what the characteristics of each land and it's people would be, it was then time for us to start working on our concept art.

Of course this meant creating the actual close-up look and feel of all the different lands, so that we could have our main characters traveling through them and interacting with the people of each land.

Today, I am featuring some of this concept art so you can see for yourself how we envisaged these areas in our mind and put them together on paper.

Im-Himna the icelands

The Half-Light City

Broken MoonGate

Bridge from Dahka to Umbrastra

The Province of Dahka

The City of Rhimn

Sunday, April 6, 2008


When first working on the concept of our new series DevaShard, one of the earliest decisions we took was to create our entire world first before working on the stories in detail.

This meant drawing up a map for the full world, then we had to work out the trajectory of the sun and three moons we had decided on and what effect this would have on the weather patterns and climates of the different parts of the world. Through this process we could decide whether different areas would be green and fertile, covered in ice or raw deserts. Finally we divided the world up into the different lands and outlined the appearances, clothing, customs and history of the various peoples of our world.

We decided to call it Bhumi , which in Sanskrit means both the ground and the Earth.

The images that follow are the full map of Bhumi and then a close up on each of the different lands.

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